8323 NW 12th Street, Suite 216. Doral, FL 33126


Behavioral Health Child service

A1A’s core team has well over 75 years combined and dedicated proven experience in helping enhance the lives of our patients, families, and all that we service. We have utilized this experience to develop a positive patient care approach in order to achieve the goal of total and complete health. All treatment plans are customized for each individual patient and are based on detailed clinical assessment data, and successful processes. As a patient of A1A, you are part of our family and we remain committed to doing all in our power to achieving our mission of enhancing the quality of life of all patients, families, and all that we serve.


In addition to traditional based behavioral therapy techniques that we use, our team also focuses on the total health and well-being of the child and family. This proven philosophy allows our highly qualified BCBAs, BCaBAs and RBTs to be supported by our Medical Director, Nursing – Physical Therapy – Occupational Therapy service departments, as well all other members of our healthcare team. Together a customized approach and plan is developed with the primary purpose of enhancing the quality of life of the child, their family, and all we service.

A1A Behavioral Health Child services

Just send us your questions and we will give you the help you need.


Our highly qualified Behavioral Health Clinicians are fully supported by our healthcare team to cover all aspects of total and complete health.

Our highly qualified Behavioral team consists of:

Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA)

Conducts the Behavioral Assessment to formulate and supervise a successful and customized treatment plan.

Board Certified assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA)

(BCaBA) Responsible for successfully implementing treatment plans developed by the BCBA and works closely with theBCBA, RBT, patients and families to accomplish the goal.

Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)

Provides home and community-based ABA services. This includes the implementation of a treatment plan developed by our (BCBA) addressing communication, behavior, feeding, ADLs and social skills.

We are true to ourselves, and commit to always perform at our best.

The A1A Family